Soloing Over Chord Changes Like a Sax Player
It’s no secret that your average saxophone player is light-years ahead of your average guitarist when it comes to improvisation; […]
It’s no secret that your average saxophone player is light-years ahead of your average guitarist when it comes to improvisation; […]
This lesson follows on from the approach we looked at in Blues Soloing Tricks: How to Blend Major and Minor […]
The blues note is of course the b5, and if you’ve been following this series of blog posts, you’ll find […]
Transitioning from blowing up and down pentatonic scales to purposely crafting your solos by taking the chord changes into account […]
I can’t remember where I saw this but it’s a great exercise for improving your phrasing, as well as getting […]
I’ve never really been into learning other people’s guitar solos note-for-note, so you won’t find a whole lot of those […]
If you were to learn how to improvise without using scales, how would you go about it? This the was […]
Traditional methods of learning scales such as the (crappy) CAGED System and the 3NPS System don’t really lead to melodic […]
A lot of intermediate guitarists arrive at the point where their soloing either sounds uninspired or relies too heavily on […]