How to (Finally) Learn Your Fretboard (Part 1)
As you’ve probably got a lot of time on your hands (coronavirus quarantine/lockdown at the time of writing), why not […]
As you’ve probably got a lot of time on your hands (coronavirus quarantine/lockdown at the time of writing), why not […]
A student once asked me if there was a foolproof way not to get lost when soloing on guitar and […]
As you may have already gathered, any chord, arpeggio or scale can be written out as a sequence of intervals. […]
While the pentatonic scale is an incredibly useful tool for guitar players of the rock and blues variety, the standard […]
You’ll find a lot of stuff on the internet about breaking out of scale boxes; some players suggest learning the […]
You might be feeling somewhat overwhelmed at this point, so it would be a good idea to take a breather […]
I can’t remember where I saw this but it’s a great exercise for improving your phrasing, as well as getting […]
If you’ve been following this series, you’re probably beginning to see how useful a knowledge of intervals coupled with a […]
One thing I noticed when I began to purposely concentrate on learning to play what I heard in my head […]
Getting your head around intervals is a great way to start to take melodic control of your solos i.e. choosing […]